The uncertainties that prevail and seem to surround you require you to make your position clearer. It’s difficult for you to change your usual way of thinking and this has a negative effect. Be open to a different way of approaching issues to steer clear of the obstacles before you. Don’t let your health suffer needlessly; you must not push yourself too hard.
Confronted with situations that push your patience to the limit, it’s important not to doubt your abilities; you do have the power to change your circumstances. When faced with difficulties, remain in control and discover the best way to resolve outstanding issues. Problems occur so we can learn from them, be positive and improve the skills you require.
When you change your attitude, you can confront circumstances more easily and arrive at a successful outcome. Separate yourself from the established way of looking at the situation and adopt a new approach. Be very careful about making accusations or trying to blame others – it's possible you have made mistakes. Be open and then you learn about yourself.
Exercise self-control and don’t make agreements without first thinking them through. Otherwise, you could get involved in unnecessary disagreements. You may receive an offer from someone you find attractive but don’t be too upset if it doesn’t go your way. Feeling restless you may resort to overeating but must resist the temptation to overindulge.
Any initiative seems completely lacking; you get very little done, so don't get too frustrated, instead wait until you feel more capable of acting in your familiar way. If possible take some time out and dedicate yourself completely to your personal needs. It’s good to spend time doing nothing, entirely unrestrained and free.
You feel aware of your animal instincts, and your urges are strong. You need to be careful of acting on the spur of the moment or in any rash way, especially in matters to do with your love-life. The fascination and desire of the moment may lose its initial appeal when you take the necessary time to reflect.
Having done as much as you possibly can, you feel weary and need to take a rest. Put your feet up for a while and refuse to do anything you don't feel like doing. Call off meetings arranged with friends and tell them you’re not good company. They understand, so you’re able to enjoy some well-deserved relaxation and keep a clear conscience.