Unexplained tensions abound, so choose your words with care and try to avoid others if you can. Otherwise, you probably say things you later regret and risk alienating friends and acquaintances. Make sure to practice self-restraint. Take a quiet moment and organize your leisure time carefully. By so doing, you avoid taking on too much.
You question long standing friendships. Fascination with the mysterious is something you’re unavoidably attracted to. You discover whatever it is you find so appealing is exactly what you crave and makes you feel like you’ve never felt before. Don't break away from existing relationships without consideration of the fact that they are based on trust built up over years.
Normally very outgoing and sociable, as a matter of course you push yourself forward at the expense of others and by doing so they rail against you. Concentrate on a common goal rather than on your own welfare, or if you see others as a hindrance or as competitors, go your own separate way. Be open about any decisions to rule out any misunderstandings.
Eager to push yourself forward, be more discerning, pick more suitable and appropriate ideas to pursue, you’re taking a selfish and biased view of things and your judgment is flawed. It's important you’re aware of this tendency before it’s too late, don’t risk any repercussions. If others behave the same way, don't overreact, otherwise discussions break down.
You overreact and get the impression someone is hiding something from you. It’s important you don't dramatize these thoughts about your personal life, which can make you feel anxious. Remain patient until you're less easily provoked and deal with serious problems on another day. You benefit from taking a rest.
Genuine patience is required. Even if you are involved in heated debates, keep a cool head. Otherwise, you might upset prior plans with your careless words. Misunderstandings easily arise, so you must hold back and act impartially, not aggressively. Physical activities help release some of your pent-up aggression, make sure you drink plenty of water.
Others are surprised, you’re making such an effort to be friendly and as a result you receive much more recognition than usual, almost everything you do appears to be popular with the people you know. You continually manage to impress and do what others reckon to be the right thing and are warm hearted towards everybody you encounter.